Sunday, November 25, 2012

I found it!

Moist, soft and buttery with just the right sweetness. My idea of a perfect butter cake. And most of the commercial cakes I find are just too sweet and lacking the buttery flavour i desire. So my children, Zane, Summer and I bake our own cakes. And we've done this for many years.

I then decided to venture into an unknown territory of gluten-free cakes. After several failed attempts, like 10, I think I found the recipe for that desired cake.

When I baked the cake for The Big Blue Marble Montessori Playschool's graduation and 24th birthday cake, you cannot imagine how nervous I was coz the cake is to feed 80 adults and children. I did 3 layers and I took some of the batter from each layer to do cupcakes so I could test them for taste and texture. The cup cakes tasted fine but am not sure if the guests feel the same.

I couldn't sleep the night before the event. I was worried about so many things and most of all, was the cake cooked through, will it turn out as fine as the cup cakes version. Will there'd be a melt down of the sugar figurines...finally slept at 3 and woke up at 6 on the day of the event.

Today, on Sunday November the 25th, the cake was finally launched. When it was rolled out, it wowed the crowd coz of the dome shape and the 2-D logo and the 3-d figurines .(No, i didn't do the crafting part. They were done by Shing of Shing Cakery) I was praying for a double wow. Because once you cut a wow cake, the inside matters.

The cake was rolled back to me and I was to cut and pack for the guests. I focused on cutting and Summer, later my nephew, Euverne and much later my sister, Julie helped pack them. All this time I didn't do what I thought were crucial - I didn't cut a piece to taste. I didn't take a photo of the inside cake. Yes I kicked myself for these.

As I'm writing this, I consoled myself with the fact that, the cake indeed was well received and I saw some guests going for more packs after they were done with one.

For this first post, I give you the cake and a picture of the cake's cup cake version. The cake was still moist even after 4 days. And I will continue to increase my repertoire of gluten-free cakes and desserts. Will keep you posted.

If you were there at the event and you tried my cake, I'll be happy to hear from you.

Lastly, this venture and cake is dedicated to my dearly departed son, Jon Gan, and the launch venue was apt as The Big Blue Marble was founded by my husband and I when he was 3.

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